Make a donation for Altar Flowers, Paschal Candle Flowers or a Sanctuary Candle.
This all volunteer choir of mixed voices sings at the 10:30 AM Sung Eucharist on Sundays and at special services throughout the liturgical year. Choir rehearsals are held every Sunday at 9:30 AM under the direction of Kathy Shanklin, our Music Director.
Acolytes serve as boat (incense), torch and banner bearers and as crucifer, thurifer and server. Adults may serve as acolytes and can aid in training the children. Acolytes generally serve once a month and must be at church at 10:15 AM on the Sunday that they serve. Children can participate once they have completed the Communion class.
Greeters are essential to St. Martin’s mission. They welcome visitors and parishioners to St. Martin’s. They are responsible for helping visitors become acquainted with the members as well as the facilities. They serve at the 10:30 service in teams of two, one Sunday a month throughout the year.
Eucharistic Ministers
The rector leads and appoints this group of lay people who administer the chalice during the Eucharist. They rotate on a pre-determined schedule during the month.
Lectors & Intecessors
The lectors are lay people who read the lessons during Mass. Intercessors are also lay people who lead the Prayers of the People. They work on a pre-determined schedule every eight weeks.
Ushers assist the congregation at various services and functions held at the church helping to seat the congregation, passing out bulletins, and collecting the offering. They generally serve once a month.
Liturgy Team
This committee evaluates and plans the way we worship.
The goal of the Labyrinth Ministry is to promote, guide and encourage the use of the labyrinth as a way of prayer in an outdoor setting of beauty, quiet and peace. To work toward that goal, we will be developing guides for users, inviting both parishioners and the wider community to utilize the labyrinth in their spiritual journeys, developing workshops, planning special events, and protecting and enhancing the beauty of the labyrinth itself. Learn more.