St. Martin’s will host a Regional Service of Confirmation on Sunday, September 28 at 3 pm.

The Sacrament of Confirmation is an opportunity for those baptized at a young age to “express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop” (BCP, p. 860).

Many people are confirmed in their teen years, but some wait until later in life. The right time to be confirmed is when a person is ready to accept the promises made on their behalf at baptism, and to express publicly a desire to follow Jesus Christ. It is also an expression of a desire to serve God in the Episcopal Church, as a Christian in the Anglican Way.

Please see Father Rob if you have any questions or want to participate in the spring class.

Requirements for those who Desire to be Confirmed or Received

● Be baptized and at least 14 years old (although exceptions can be made if a person of younger age can express a mature commitment to Christ)
● Attend Mass regularly
● Attend the Episcopal 101 class taught by Father Rob
● Complete 8 hours of community service, or outreach. You can fulfill this by participating with outreach projects organized by the parish or youth group, or you can choose projects in the community that are meaningful to you.
● Meet one on one with Father Rob for a one time spiritual direction session and/ or make a sacramental confession.

2025 Confirmation Class Schedule

Sundays April 27, May 4, 11, 18, June 1
The 6th Class will be on Sunday September 21 (which will include a rehearsal)

Episcopal 101: Preparation for Confirmation and Reception

Sunday sessions meet from 9:30-10:15 am

Session 1: The Anglican Ethos- Our Beliefs and Practices
Session 2: How We Pray and Worship: The Book of Common Prayer, Spiritual Practices
Session 3 The Sacramental Life: Sacraments and Sacramentals
Session 4: The Christian Story- a short history of the Church
Session 5: The Anglican Story- a short history of the Anglican Communion and the Episcopal Church
Session 6: Finding My Place: Where Do I Belong at St. Martin’s?