Please join us for a special fellowship reception following the 10:30 am Mass. If you can bring a finger food for the reception, please email Alison. We hope to see you there!
Please see Alison if you are interested in joining us! Open to all women of the parish. 19:29:112024-10-14 12:18:06Women’s Group Brunch
The Food Bank is in great need of food items, paper goods, and toiletries for our neighbors in Somerset County. We especially want to focus on personal items and cleaning products, such as toothpaste, feminine products, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc. Cash and checks are also greatly appreciated. There’s always a container on the stairs leading up to the choir loft.
St. Martin’s will collect styrofoam until the end of September, perhaps longer. It will go to a business in Somerville which makes it into molding for cruise ships.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Kathy Shanklin. 13:49:112024-09-25 13:49:12Outreach – Fall 2024
Our fall family festival will be on October 26th from 1 to 3 p.m.
Again, we are partnering with St. Martin’s School to make this a fun day for all. We will need volunteers to oversee the games, give out food, and decorate their cars for Trunk or Treat. The school is providing the crafts. Any questions, see Alison. 13:44:442024-09-28 15:55:33Fall Family Festival 2024