Annual Meeting

Sunday, January 19, 2020
Immediately following the 10:30 am service

GATHERING THE CLAN  (otherwise known as the Annual Meeting)

Please join us for our annual meeting and parish brunch!

This meeting is important not only because it helps us review the last year with gratitude, but will unite us to move forward together into the new year.

We will:

            Elect new members to our Vestry, and thank those who have served.

            Receive the reports of all the activities of the past year.

            Hear where we are financially for our 2020 budget (how we carry out ministry)

            Learn more about our search for our next rector. What is our timeline?

Communities of faith count on people who care enough to show up, stand up, help out, reach out and celebrate in the name of the Lord!
Come, let’s be St. Martin’s together!

Trim the Church

It’s Time to Trim the Church!

Join the Altar Guild on Sunday, December 22nd at 11:45 am to decorate the church!  Refreshments will be served.  All volunteers are welcome.

Let’s make sure St. Martin’s looks its best for the birth of Christ!

Angel Tree

Our annual “Angel Tree” will be in place and decorated with our Giving Ornaments this Sunday! All instructions for buying and returning the gifts will be on the actual ornaments. Gifts will be due back Sunday, December 15th and can be put in Fr. Tim’s office. We hope you consider participating in this wonderful St. Martin’s tradition!

Women’s Group Cookie Exchange & Potluck Dinner

Women’s Group Dinner & Cookie Exchange, 6pm at Diane Lester’s house. Email Alison Jandak with the food item you are bringing. You don’t have to participate in the cookie exchange to enjoy this festive dinner!

St. Nicholas Visit and Supper

Mark your calendars for our Annual Holiday Dinner!

Who: Anyone who enjoys Christmas! Everyone is invited. No kids required!

What: Saint Nicholas Potluck Dinner: Great food, great people, crafts, singing of carols, and a visit from Saint Nicholas!

When: December 8th at 5pm

Where: Saint Martin’s Church

Why: A chance to enjoy our church community as we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.