Advent Wreath Pick-up and Saying Goodbye to Fr. Tim

On Saturday November 28, 2020 at 2 p.m., Fr. Tim will be on the church steps giving out Advent Wreaths with some helpers.

You can park in the parking lot and come pick up your wreath, and at that time, give thanks to Fr. Tim. Please remember your masks and to social distance. We ask that you try to get there as near to 2pm as you can.

St. Nicholas Fire Pit Celebration

Sunday, December 6, 2020
4 pm to 5 pm-ish
The Kellam’s backyard (900 Ardsley Lane, Bridgewater)

In lieu of our traditional potluck dinner, enjoy some hot cocoa by the fire as a way for Saint Martin’s children to gather together and celebrate the holiday season.

We will read our traditional Saint Nicholas story and rumor has it that Saint Nicholas may make an appearance! Mask required unless drinking hot cocoa or eating yummy treats as we want to make this safe for everyone!  Just bring yourselves wrapped in warm clothes. The event is weather dependent.

RSVP to Christine Kellam by Friday December 4th (

Adult Fellowship – Advent: A Time of Waiting in The Time of COVID

You are invited to take part in a four-session Advent series on Wednesdays at 7:30 starting December 2nd in conjunction with St. John’s in Somerville.

How does Advent, the first season of the church year, cause us to reexamine our desires as we prepare to welcome Christ, the Desire of Nations? The series focuses on that question, with the theme of Advent Ethics. We will meet virtually on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sessions includes prayer, a scripture reading, reflection, study questions and sharing.


Dec. 2:  Redeeming Time: Being pushed back to Christ and to the Eucharist

Dec. 9:  What Are We Waiting For? Examining how Isaiah’s oracles are employed in Advent liturgies to interpret Jesus’ birth, ministry and suffering

Dec. 16:  The Three Advents: Looking at Bernard of Clairvaux’s account of Christ’s “threefold coming”

Dec. 23:  Advent of the Heart: Focusing on the Prison Mediations of Alfred Delp, SJ.

For questions and to get the virtual meeting details,call Paul Grzella at 908-507-8020 or email him at

Eagle Scout Project

Aidan H.’s Eagle Scout project is to improve the picnic area by the playground by installing a paver patio.

This will make the area aesthetically more pleasing as well as easier to take care of. I started cleaning up the area, but will need help purchasing the pavers.

Donate to help purchase pavers.

Drive Through Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 25, 2020, 3-5pm

Bring a car load of fairies and ghouls and drive by decorated trunks! Children will receive a treat bag at the end.

Want to decorate a trunk?
Let Christine know at

Want to donate candy or non-food treats?
Look for the box at St. Martin’s School entrance, 10am-4pm, Sundays 10/4, 10/11, 10/18

Download the pdf flyer.