Fellowship Dates

August 22 – Women’s Group Dinner/Pool Party at Butrico’s @ Butrico’s

August 28 – Miniature Golf at the Golf Range@Branchburg 2 p.m. with Ice Cream afterwards at The Polar Cub

September 12 – Kick-off Sunday

October 10 – Canticles for Life – AIDS benefit concert

October 16 – Fall Family Fun-fest

Summer BBQ – July 18, 2021

Everyone’s invited to enjoy hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers and beverages on the beautiful patio. Please bring a side dish or dessert.

We will have some games set up as well. Bring your family, and even some neighbors if you like! We look forward to seeing everyone!

Please RSVP to Alison at randyali@aol.com if you plan to attend, so we can get a general headcount for the food.

Prayers for Pride on the Patio

Please join us on the patio on Saturday, June 19 at 5:30 pm as we offer prayers of thanksgiving for God’s abundant love expressed in the beautiful diversity of human relationships, as we offer thanks for the inclusivity of our church, and as we pray for justice, peace, and full legal protections for all LGBT+ persons. 

All parishioners are invited to participate in this prayer service, regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identification. Allies are especially welcome. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to share our faith with the community. Following our prayers, please join for cookies, lemonade and fellowship. 

Download the leaflet here

Women’s Group Meeting

We will be having a Women’s Group meeting on June 13th after the 10:30 service and coffee hour.

Let’s reconnect, as well as start planning events where we can get together this summer. We will also be discussing fellowship and fundraising ideas. Please email Alison with questions.

Outreach for June

The Outreach Committee will be holding a clothing drive on Father’s Day, June 20th between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. We will be collecting both children’s and adults’ gently used and new warm weather clothing in the church parking lot.

We are also in need of two volunteers to act as servers on the SHIP food truck on Wednesday, June 16th

You would need to meet the food truck in the Sacred Heart parking lot in Manville at 5:25 and stay until approximately 6:30 (we will also need two volunteers on July 21st and August 18th). Please email Marlene if you can help – mficzko@optonline.net.