Advent at St. Martin’s

Advent is the time for quiet preparation of our hearts for the coming of the Lord.  In this busy season it is important to allow time for reflection and peace.

Each Sunday of Advent, beginning November 28, join us at 7pm via Zoom for a few minutes of fellowship and the sharing of blessings, thanksgivings, and prayers followed by a short Compline service.

Leaflet for Compline Service.

Zoom link.

Outreach – December

St. Martin’s has “adopted” a family of six who was devastated by tropical storm Ida. The Church is working through HOME (formerly IHN) to make it possible for this family to celebrate Christmas and receive Christmas gifts. They have lost everything and it is our goal to provide clothes and toys for the four children as well as other items needed by the family. 

Last weekend a giving tree was placed in the church and 29 of the 31 “ornament” gift tags were taken proving once again how generous the parishioners of our Church are.  There is a list taped to the window by the tree and also on the bulletin board suggesting items the family could use such as soap, laundry detergent, shampoo, etc. Their home is in such bad shape that we cannot take donations of furniture or kitchen items, etc. at this time but it is our hope that as the father repairs their home, we will be able to help them with other items. If anyone has an electric blanket, that would be very helpful as the nights are getting cold and they have no heat. Donations may be placed in the red bin, under the table, in the narthex.

For those who may not have had the opportunity to select a gift tag, additional ones will be placed on the tree next Sunday. Also, if you would like to donate but are unable to shop, Outreach is collecting cash donations and will do the shopping for you. Please give any financial assistance to Fr. Rob or Len Cacciatore. 

All gifts are to be returned to the church on or before December 19th. You may wrap the gifts or return them unwrapped and volunteers will wrap them for you. Just remember to attach the “ornament” tag you took from the tree to the package. On December 19th, we will be having a fellowship pasta dinner where we will be wrapping gifts and Father Rob will bless the gifts.

Outreach – November

We will be collecting used coats on November 21st during church until 1:30 p.m. They may be left in the coat closet, off the narthex, until the 21st. Outreach volunteers will be in the parking lot, across from the front doors, until 1:30 on the 21st should you forget to bring your donation to Sunday services. All sizes of gently used coats and jackets are welcome. Thank you.

Consecration Sunday and Chili Luncheon

Bring your pledge cards and your appetites!

Directly after the 10:30 service where we will be pledging our gifts for next year, we will have a chili luncheon. On the menu – beef, chicken, and vegetarian chill.

If you would like to bring another chili, side dish, or dessert, please email Alison.

Outreach for October

October will be dedicated to collecting children’s socks and underwear for FISH. 

We will utilize the same rubber tub in the Narthex that was used for project Yellow Ribbon and the personal care products. Thank you for your generosity!