Annual Meeting 2022

Our parish Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, January 23, 2022.

There will be only ONE JOINT Service- Sung Mass at 10:30 am. Their will be no mass on Saturday, January 22 nor will there be an 8:15 mass on Sunday.

The rector’s address will occur in lieu of the homily and the meeting will be completed immediately after Communion.

Annual Meeting materials are below. Printed copies will not be available. Please print your own if you would like to have them as reference at the meeting. 

There will not be a luncheon afterwards this year because of the omicron surge. Coffee Hour will be available in the narthex.

Annual Meeting Agenda and Committee Reports

2022 Budget

YTD Budget Vs. Actuals 2021

Support Episcopal Relief and Development

As you are looking over your Christmas list this year, consider gifting a family in need with a life-giving gift that could transform their lives.

You can give a family a chicken, cow, or pig, or help a community have clean water- and you can give the gift in the name of a family member or friend.

Your gift will double thanks to a 2021 Year-End Match by Episcopal Relief and Development.

See how to donate.

The Greening of the Church & Pasta Luncheon

Sunday, December 19, 2021 ~ 11:30 am

The Christmas Season is nearly upon us! Last year we did not decorate the church for this wonderful season, but this year we want to make sure the sanctuary is as beautiful as it has always been.

The poinsettias and greenery that adorn the Altar and Sanctuary at St. Martin’s during the Christmas season enhance the beauty and holiness of our Church and remind us of the spirit of love and joy that this time of year represents.

This year we are inviting all parishioners to donate towards the costs of these adornments and to participate in the “Greening of the Church” on December 19 after the 10:30 service.

Following the “greening”, we will be having a fellowship pasta lunch where we will be wrapping gifts and Father Rob will bless the gifts for our Adopted Family.

Women’s Group Christmas Party and Cookie Exchange

All women of the parish are invited to a Christmas Party on December 12th after the 10:30 service. We will be having soup and sandwiches.

If you would like to participate in the cookie exchange, please bake 4 dozen cookies of your choice. Please email Alison at if you plan to attend and/or participate in the cookie exchange.

Saint Nicholas Fire Pit Get Together

Sunday, December 5th
4 pm to 5 pm-ish
The Kellam’s backyard

Enjoy some hot cocoa by the fire as a way for Saint Martin’s families to gather and celebrate the holiday season. We will read our traditional Saint Nicholas story and rumor has it that Saint Nicholas may make an appearance!

Just bring yourselves wrapped in warm clothes! The event is weather dependent. RSVP to Christine Kellam by Friday December 3rd.