Lend a Hand at HOME

IHN logo

We received a request for help from HOME. The Presbyterian Church in Pluckemin will not be hosting families in 2022 so we will not be providing coverage at that church. However, we will deliver meals to the agency on three Mondays this year. Below is an email we received directly from HOME. If you volunteer to help HOME, please contact them directly but let Marlene know you have done so. Thank you. 

HOME of Somerset County (Formerly IHN) is looking for volunteers to help with our Emergency Shelter program.

Due to the pandemic, the congregational rotation hosting schedule has been closed and our families have been staying at a local hotel. We are planning to re-open the shelter component of the program the first week of April 2022 and we are in need of volunteers. Dinner shift hosts are needed at 5:00 pm (until 7:00 pm) to set up for the meal and to welcome our families. Our evening (hospitality) shift is generally from 7:00-10:00pm and the overnight hours are 10:00pm-6:00am (8:00am on Sat. & Sun). For more information please contact Director of Volunteer Services, Karen Donohue, 908-704-1920 / karen@homescnj.orghttps://homescnj.org

Blood Drive

Click on the image to make an appointment at St. Martin’s.

Lenten Book Study 2022

This year we will be learning about and discussing six women from the Old Testament (Jephthah’s Daughter, The Shunammite Woman, Naomi and Ruth, Esther, Judith) in five sessions. Some will be familiar and some probably will not. All have a story to tell and things to teach us about their time and place, their beliefs and spirituality, and their relationship with God and their people. Details about the book can be found below.

Meetings will take place each Monday during Lent beginning on March 7 and continuing March 14, 21, 28, and April 4 at 7:00 pm. We will be meeting at the home of

Juanita Hawkins
90 Vanderveer Drive
Basking Ridge, New Jersey

If you are interested in attending please contact the Church Office at stmartinsnj@gmail.com or (908) 526-1350 or Barbara Butler at bbutler50@gmail.com or (908) 342-4821 by February 27.  We’d like to get a head count.

The author, The Reverend Lindsay Hardin Freeman is an Episcopal priest, mother, writer, speaker, blogger, and author of seven books. She believes deeply in humor, storytelling, imagination, women friends and dark chocolate.

“Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter”, by the Reverend Lindsay Hardin Freeman (ISBN 978-088028-391-5), It is available on-line, in both hardcopy and electronic format, from a variety of vendors, including Amazon. If you have trouble finding a copy, or cannot afford to buy one, please contact Barbara Butler at bbutler50@gmail.com or 908 342-4821.

Note: This is the same book we used for our 2018 Women in the Bible study program.

Outreach – February 2022

Outreach will be collecting personal care products for the Jail Chaplaincy starting on Feb. 12 through Feb. 27. They may be left in the labeled container in the Narthex.

Summer 2022 Mission Opportunity

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in New Providence is sponsoring a work mission trip in the summer and inviting all parishes in our convocation to participate. It is a trip similar to an ASP trip, where those who participate will be working on light construction projects to improve the lives of the poor in Connellsville, PA. There will be opportunities for fun and recreation on the weekend and evenings, including white water rafting and possibly a visit to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water.

The trip is open to anyone in 8th grade and older. This is a wonderful opportunity for families to do a mission trip together. The cost is $450-$650 per person. To learn more about the trip and requirements for participating, see Fr. Rob+ for an information sheet.