Outreach October 2022

Outreach is changing direction a bit this month and we are going to try to help our furry friends. 

We will be collecting pet food for the food pantry and needed items for the local animal shelter. A detailed list is posted on the bulletin board in the back of the church but a brief list includes: Limited slip dog collars; Martingale cat beds; cat toys (furry mice); squeaky dog toys; KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer); paper towels; paper plates & bowls; antibacterial hand soap; and Clorox bleach. All types of cat and dog food are welcome. Thank you.

Consecration Sunday – October 30, 2022

Sunday, October 9 is the kick-off for the 2023 Stewardship Campaign. Next week you should receive a letter and a pledge card in the mail. You can bring your pledge card or mail it in, or there is an online pledge card on the website.   Our stewardship pledge goal this year is $200,000.

Consecration Sunday is October 30 and we hope to have in all pledge cards by this date. Thank you for your support of St. Martin’s!

Canticles for Life AIDS Benefit Concert – October 2, 2022 4-6pm

This is the 3rd year St. Martin’s will host this musical event to raise awareness and funds to benefit the following charities which are concerned with the quality of life for persons with AIDS: the AIDS Resource Foundation for Children, in Newark; the NAMES Project of Northern NJ, which supports the AIDS Memorial Quilt; and EDGE New Jersey, which provides supportive services, housing opportunities, prevention strategies and community education in New Jersey.

Admission is free with a free will offering. AIDS memorial panels will be on display. Reception in the undercroft following the concert.

If you can provide an appetizer or dessert for the reception, please let Alison know. If you have any questions about the concert, see Diane Lester.

Kick-Off Sunday & Parish Picnic

Please join us for St. Martin’s Kick-Off Sunday, September 18th.  Kickoff Sunday offers us all a chance to reconnect and get involved in the formational offerings at St. Martin’s.  We invite your whole family to join us to experience our loving approach to spiritual education.

Parish Picnic

There will be a Parish Picnic (burgers, hot dogs provided; potluck for everything else) right after the 10:30 am mass. Sign Up here to bring something to share.

Blessing of Students and Teachers

Students and teachers are invited to bring their school backpacks and/or briefcases for a special blessing at the conclusion of the mass.

Youth Ministry (7th Grade – 12th Grade)

Our goal is to provide our youth with a positive Christian Education experience that will help them build their own church community.  Please join us kick-off Sunday where our youth groups can enjoy some fun team building activities outside after the 10:30 am mass!

The Joint St. Martin’s/St. John’s Youth Group will have its first meeting at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Somerville on Sept 18 at 5 PM.

Sunday School (Preschool – 6th Grade)

In person Sunday School returns to Saint Martin’s!   Sunday School occurs during Saint Martin’s Sunday 10:30am service. Please join at 10:15 us in the large conference room upstairs on the 18th.

As a reminder, Saint Martin’s uses Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) for our children’s education and has 3 levels.  CGS is an approach to religious education that is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the Church and the education principles of Maria Montessori.  It really focuses on the joy in the relationship with God and the young child.

Outreach September 2022

During September we will collect items for the military for Project Yellow Ribbon. These items will be used to make Christmas stockings for the military stationed overseas during the holidays. 

Some suggested items would be: Puzzle/Suduko books; chewy or hard candy; trail mix; feminine hygiene products; body wash; medicated foot powder; sunscreen lotion; or protein bars. A more comprehensive list will be posted on the bulletin board in the back of the Church. Items will be collected until Sunday, September 25th. A good source of these items is dollar stores.

Future Outreach projects will be pet products in October, coats and used adult clothing in November and Christmas presents in December. So if you see a great sale or are cleaning closets, keep St. Martins in mind!