Greening of the Church – 2022

We are looking for volunteers on Sunday, December 18th to help prepare the church for the Christmas season.

We would also appreciate monetary contributions for the flowers and greens which will decorate our church for Christmas. You can make a secure, online donation here – please specify “Christmas Flowers” in the Fund dropdown.

Women’s Group Christmas Party & Cookie Exchange

When: December 18th, 4 p.m.

Where: Laura Butrico’s house

What: Potluck dinner with lots of merriment

Extra: If you would like to participate in the cookie exchange, please bring 2 dozen cookies and a container to bring your “stash” home with you.

Who: Even if you’ve never come to any other women’s group event, please consider coming.

We would love to carpool and we will pick anyone up at their houses if you don’t like to drive at night. Please email if you plan on attending.

Outreach November 2022

Outreach will be collecting winter coats/jackets and warm-weather clothing during the month of November. Please separate the adult clothing and children’s clothing. Place all donations in the coat/storage closet in the narthex.

In addition, we are collecting food donations for the Raritan food pantry. All donations may be placed in the orange labeled bin.

Confirmation & Reception – November 13, 2022

Bishop Stokes will be visiting us on Sunday, November 13 (St. Martin’s Sunday). On this Sunday youth and adults will be Confirmed by the laying on of hands by the Bishop. Newcomers who were confirmed in the Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Lutheran Churches may be received by the laying on of the hands by the Bishop, thereby becoming a full member of the Episcopal Church.

If you wish to be confirmed (youth and adults), or if you are already confirmed and wish to be received as a full member of St. Martin’s, or if you are confirmed and wish to reaffirm your faith in a public way, see the links below for guidelines and class schedule.

Guidelines for Adult Confirmation/Reception for Membership at St. Martin’s

Guidelines for Youth Confirmation at St. Martin’s

Women’s Group – Haunted Tour of Somerville

All women of the church are invited to Haunted Ghost Tour of Somerville on October 22. We have a choice of start times between 6 and 9 pm. Price is $20.00. We are planning to go out for dinner afterwards.

Please email Alison if you are interested so that we can decide on a start time.