Rectory Open House

You are invited to the rectory on Saturday, January 7, 2023 between 1 and 4 p.m.

Fr. Rob and Fausto have lived in the rectory now for 2 whole years. Come see all the wonderful renovations that were done to the house to welcome them!

Appetizers and refreshments will be provided. Please rsvp to Alison at so that we know how many to expect.

Outreach – December 2023

Outreach will be collecting food items for the Community Food Bank until January 8th. They are requesting specific items:

  • Oatmeal cups
  • Microwavable Rice Bowls
  • 14.5 oz low-sodium soup
  • 5 oz canned tuna in water
  • Boxed Mac & Cheese
  • Small box of granola bars (no nuts)
  • Fruit cups in fruit juice

Saint Nickolas Potluck Dinner 2022

Please RSVP to Christine Kellam if you plan to attend.

Greening of the Church – 2022

We are looking for volunteers on Sunday, December 18th to help prepare the church for the Christmas season.

We would also appreciate monetary contributions for the flowers and greens which will decorate our church for Christmas. You can make a secure, online donation here – please specify “Christmas Flowers” in the Fund dropdown.

Women’s Group Christmas Party & Cookie Exchange

When: December 18th, 4 p.m.

Where: Laura Butrico’s house

What: Potluck dinner with lots of merriment

Extra: If you would like to participate in the cookie exchange, please bring 2 dozen cookies and a container to bring your “stash” home with you.

Who: Even if you’ve never come to any other women’s group event, please consider coming.

We would love to carpool and we will pick anyone up at their houses if you don’t like to drive at night. Please email if you plan on attending.