Fall Family Fun Fest
October 28, 2023 1-4pm
Your family, friends, and neighbors are invited to our Fall Family Fun Festival on October 28th from 1 pm to 4 pm. This a joint effort by St. Martin’s School and the church. There will be crafts, games, food, and a Trunk or Treat.
If you can, we also need volunteers to help with set up and clean up, oversee the different craft and game tables, and decorate their car trunks for this event. All the materials for the crafts and games will be provided for you. Please sign up using the link below. At the bottom of the spreadsheet, you will find three tabs: Activity Sign Up, Set Up/Clean Up Sign Up, and Trunk or Treat Sign Up. You do not have to sign up for the entire 3 hours, so please choose a slot of time that best fits your schedule.
We are looking forward to this wonderful family event! If you have any questions, please contact Alison at randyali@aol.com.