Outreach 2023

There is a container on the landing leading up to the choir loft. The following items are needed the most:

  • Canned fruit
  • Spaghetti
  • Canned chicken
  • Canned tuna
  • Crackers
  • Cookies
  • Nuts
  • Granola bars

Please help our neighbors in this time of great need, as St. Martin’s has done for many years. Thank you for your generosity.  

Outreach – December 2023

Outreach will be collecting food items for the Community Food Bank until January 8th. They are requesting specific items:

  • Oatmeal cups
  • Microwavable Rice Bowls
  • 14.5 oz low-sodium soup
  • 5 oz canned tuna in water
  • Boxed Mac & Cheese
  • Small box of granola bars (no nuts)
  • Fruit cups in fruit juice

Outreach November 2022

Outreach will be collecting winter coats/jackets and warm-weather clothing during the month of November. Please separate the adult clothing and children’s clothing. Place all donations in the coat/storage closet in the narthex.

In addition, we are collecting food donations for the Raritan food pantry. All donations may be placed in the orange labeled bin.

Outreach October 2022

Outreach is changing direction a bit this month and we are going to try to help our furry friends. 

We will be collecting pet food for the food pantry and needed items for the local animal shelter. A detailed list is posted on the bulletin board in the back of the church but a brief list includes: Limited slip dog collars; Martingale cat beds; cat toys (furry mice); squeaky dog toys; KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer); paper towels; paper plates & bowls; antibacterial hand soap; and Clorox bleach. All types of cat and dog food are welcome. Thank you.

Outreach September 2022

During September we will collect items for the military for Project Yellow Ribbon. These items will be used to make Christmas stockings for the military stationed overseas during the holidays. 

Some suggested items would be: Puzzle/Suduko books; chewy or hard candy; trail mix; feminine hygiene products; body wash; medicated foot powder; sunscreen lotion; or protein bars. A more comprehensive list will be posted on the bulletin board in the back of the Church. Items will be collected until Sunday, September 25th. A good source of these items is dollar stores.

Future Outreach projects will be pet products in October, coats and used adult clothing in November and Christmas presents in December. So if you see a great sale or are cleaning closets, keep St. Martins in mind!