Outreach – April 2025

We need someone to provide dinner for HOME guests on Monday, April 14.We also need 2 people to spend time with the guests from 5-9 PM that evening. See Kathy Shanklin if you can help out!
We need someone to provide dinner for HOME guests on Monday, April 14.We also need 2 people to spend time with the guests from 5-9 PM that evening. See Kathy Shanklin if you can help out!
This is the 6th year St. Martin’s will host this musical event to raise awareness and funds to benefit three charities which are concerned with the quality of life for persons with AIDS.
Admission is free with a free will offering. AIDS memorial panels will be on display. Reception in the undercroft following the concert. Learn more about the event.
If you can provide a finger-food appetizer or dessert for the reception, please let Alison know. If you have any questions about the concert, see Diane Lester.
What: Meet the Author and Book Discussion
When: April 15, 2025, 1pm
Where: Upper Conference Room
Meet Ron Negra, author of Waves of Hope. In the book he tells the remarkable story of his mother Agnes Negra and the heroic acts of kindness she performed during World War II. Learn more.
RSVP to Len at Lencac@comcast.net
Presented by the Senior Moments Group.
What: Lenten Book Study
When: Mondays in Lent starting March 10, 7pm.
Where: Juanita’s home
Our Lenten Study will be a devotional, Give Up Worry for Lent!: 40 Days to Finding Peace in Christ by Gary Zimak.
We will meet on Mondays in Lent at 7 pm, starting March 10 at Juanita’s home. Please consider reading this book as a daily devotional during Lent even if you can’t attend the discussion group.
The book can be purchased on Amazon.