Entries by Diane

In-Person Coffee Hour is Back!

Sunday, May 23 is our is our first “Coffee Hour” since March of 2020.  Even if you don’t attend the Sunday service, we are encouraging anyone who feels comfortable enough, to come at 11:15 and enjoy a time of distanced camaraderie on the patio. Cookies, iced tea and lemonade will be served. Folding chairs will […]

May 12, 2021 News

Pentecost, Prayer Concerns and Blessings, Sunday School Get- Together, Coffee Hour, Keeper of the Light. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.

May 9, 2021 Mass

Click on the image to view the video. We had no internet in the church (this was via Facebook live on Fr. Rob’s cell phone). Apologies for audio issues. Click here for the leaflet. 

May 5, 2021 News

Pentecost, In-Person Worship, New Procedures for Prayers of the People, Church Vegetable Garden Update, Mother’s Day Crumb Cake, Parish Work Day, Sunday School Get- Together, Outreach, Keeper of the Light. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.