Entries by Diane

February 9, 2022 News

Lenten Book Study; Jubilee Parish; Super Bowl Squares; Theological Musings; Outreach; Summer Mission Opportunity; Epiphany House Blessings; Prayer Requests; Diocesan Convention 2022; Stolen Checks. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.


The Sacrament of Confirmation evolved as infant baptism became more normalized in the Church, and the need arose for those who had been initiated into the Church in infancy to be able to profess for themselves their faith in Jesus Christ and to affirm the promises that had been made on their behalf by their […]

Lenten Book Study 2022

This year we will be learning about and discussing six women from the Old Testament (Jephthah’s Daughter, The Shunammite Woman, Naomi and Ruth, Esther, Judith) in five sessions. Some will be familiar and some probably will not. All have a story to tell and things to teach us about their time and place, their beliefs […]

Outreach – February 2022

Outreach will be collecting personal care products for the Jail Chaplaincy starting on Feb. 12 through Feb. 27. They may be left in the labeled container in the Narthex.