Entries by Diane

Greening of the Church – 2022

We are looking for volunteers on Sunday, December 18th to help prepare the church for the Christmas season. We would also appreciate monetary contributions for the flowers and greens which will decorate our church for Christmas. You can make a secure, online donation here – please specify “Christmas Flowers” in the Fund dropdown.

November 23, 2022 Newsletter

Greening of the Church; Outreach; Women’s Group Christmas Party and Cookie Exchange; Vestry Change; Christmas Eve Family Service; Prayer Requests. Click on the image to view the weekly email.

Women’s Group Christmas Party & Cookie Exchange

When: December 18th, 4 p.m. Where: Laura Butrico’s house What: Potluck dinner with lots of merriment Extra: If you would like to participate in the cookie exchange, please bring 2 dozen cookies and a container to bring your “stash” home with you. Who: Even if you’ve never come to any other women’s group event, please […]

November 17, 2022 Newsletter

Stewardship; Outreach; Confirmation; Installation of Our New Rector; Women’s Group Christmas Party and Cookie Exchange; Grace for All; Prayer Requests. Click on the image to view the weekly email.