Week of November 1, 2020 News
Fr. Laws All Saint’s Video Message, Helping SHIP, Order Your Pandemic Cookbook, Outreach. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Diane contributed 671 entries already.
Fr. Laws All Saint’s Video Message, Helping SHIP, Order Your Pandemic Cookbook, Outreach. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.
Leaflet can be found here.
Trunk or Treat and Fall Clean-Up Were Successful! Stewardship, Outreach. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.
Leaflet can be found here.
Trunk or Treat, Fall Clean-Up, Stewardship, Outreach. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Phone: 908-526-1350
Church office email: stmartinschurchnj@gmail.com
Fr. Rob’s email: rectorstmartinsnj@gmail.com