Week of October 11, 2020 News
Trunk or Treat, Outreach, Keeper of the Light, Pictures Needed Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Diane contributed 654 entries already.
Trunk or Treat, Outreach, Keeper of the Light, Pictures Needed Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.
Confirmation, Blessing of the Animals, Trunk or Treat, Outreach Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.
Congratulations to our confirmands! St. Martin’s is so pleased to welcome Bishop Stokes for Confirmation Sunday. Many thanks to Fr. Tim, Alison & Randy for enabling us to be “back in church” virtually this Sunday. Please bear with us – the audio and video was a bit challenging at times but completely fixed during the […]
Sunday, October 25, 2020, 3-5pm Bring a car load of fairies and ghouls and drive by decorated trunks! Children will receive a treat bag at the end. Want to decorate a trunk? Let Christine know at auntie_weenie@hotmail.com Want to donate candy or non-food treats? Look for the box at St. Martin’s School entrance, 10am-4pm, Sundays […]
Bishop Stokes is Coming For Confirmation on October 4! Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Phone: 908-526-1350
Church office email: stmartinschurchnj@gmail.com
Fr. Rob’s email: rectorstmartinsnj@gmail.com