December 2, 2020 News
Re-Opening Committee update, Christmas Pageant, St. Nicholas Fire Pit Get Together, Outreach, Stewardship. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Diane contributed 670 entries already.
Re-Opening Committee update, Christmas Pageant, St. Nicholas Fire Pit Get Together, Outreach, Stewardship. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.
Leaflet can be found here.
St. Nicholas Fire Pit, Saying Goodbye to Fr. Tim Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.
The Outreach Committee will be holding a collection for the Food Bank Network on Sunday, December 13, 2020. We will be in the church parking lot from noon until 2:00. This collection is focusing on personal care products. The Food Bank is receiving more and more requests for items such as toothpaste, deodorant, etc. and they run […]
On Saturday November 28, 2020 at 2 p.m., Fr. Tim will be on the church steps giving out Advent Wreaths with some helpers. You can park in the parking lot and come pick up your wreath, and at that time, give thanks to Fr. Tim. Please remember your masks and to social distance. We ask […]
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Phone: 908-526-1350
Church office email:
Fr. Rob’s email: