Entries by Diane

December 15, 2021 News

Christmas Offering; Adopt a Family for Christmas; Sunday Evening Zoom Meetings During Advent; Pandemic Cookbook; Episcopal Relief and Development; Upcoming Dates; Rite 13 in December; Fr. Rob’s Ordination Anniversary; Prayer Requests. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.

December 8, 2021 News

Pledge Update; Adopt a Family for Christmas; Sunday Evening Zoom Meetings During Advent; Adult Forum During Advent; Altar Guild; Upcoming Dates; Rite 13; ASP; Women’s Group Christmas Party and Cookie Exchange; Prayer Requests. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.

The Greening of the Church & Pasta Luncheon

Sunday, December 19, 2021 ~ 11:30 am The Christmas Season is nearly upon us! Last year we did not decorate the church for this wonderful season, but this year we want to make sure the sanctuary is as beautiful as it has always been. The poinsettias and greenery that adorn the Altar and Sanctuary at St. […]