Entries by Diane

May 13, 2022 News

Parish Work Day; Confirmation; In Memoriam; Mystery Night Fellowship Event; Food Bank Volunteers Needed; Prayer Requests. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.

Living the Resurrection

During the forty days of Lent, we spent time in prayer and self-reflection, considering the ways we turn away from the way of love that Jesus has asked us to walk in and asking for God’s grace to turn back to God. We discerned which habits we need to eliminate from our life because they […]

May 4, 2022 News

Newcomers Brunch; Theological Musings; Parish Work Day; Confirmation; Fellowship; In Memoriam; Food Bank Volunteers Needed; Prayer Requests. Click on the image to view the Weekly Email.

Outreach – May 2022

May is the month St. Martin’s helps the Somerset County Food Bank distribute food in Somerville. This Saturday, May 14th, volunteers will be meeting at 8:25 at Shiloh Pentecostal Church on Davenport Street. Beginning Saturday, May 21st, the location will change to First Reformed Church at 100 W. Main Street in Somerville. Volunteers are still needed for May […]