March 1, 2023 Newsletter
Scheduling Changes for Lent; Stewardship; Lenten Book Study; Red Cross Blood Drive; Votive Candles for Prayers; Composting; Prayer Requests. Click on the image to view the weekly email.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Diane contributed 654 entries already.
Scheduling Changes for Lent; Stewardship; Lenten Book Study; Red Cross Blood Drive; Votive Candles for Prayers; Composting; Prayer Requests. Click on the image to view the weekly email.
Click here for the leaflet.
During the annual meeting, our property warden, Beth Hixenbaugh, mentioned the creation of a new adopt-a-plot program which would make it easier for us to maintain the beauty of our grounds. Essentially, individuals and families are asked to adopt a plot on the grounds and weed it, nurture it, keep it clean, and maintain it’s […]
Lent; Scheduling Changes for Lent; Fellowship; Lenten Book Study; Red Cross Blood Drive; Votive Candles for Prayers; Composting; Prayer Requests. Click on the image to view the weekly email.
Click here to make an appointment – thank you!
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Phone: 908-526-1350
Church office email:
Fr. Rob’s email: