Entries by Diane

September 13, 2023 Newsletter

Fall Family Fun Fest, Fr. Rob on Vacation; 800th Anniversary of the Nativity Creche; St. Martin’s School Job Openings; Outreach; Prayer Requests. Click on the image to view the weekly email.

September 7, 2023 Newsletter

Fall Family Fun Fest, Fr. Rob on Vacation; 800th Anniversary of the Nativity Creche; St. Martin’s School Job Openings; Outreach; Prayer Requests. Click on the image to view the weekly email.

Kick Off Sunday & Parish Picnic

Join us after mass on September 10th! Hot dogs, hamburgers and black bean burgers plus drinks will be supplied by the church.  Please plan on bringing a side dish or dessert. We hope to see you there!

August 23, 2023 Newsletter

Mass of Remembrance & Hope; 800th Anniversary of the Nativity Creche; Jean Hixenbaugh Funeral Mass; Lahaina; St. Martin’s School Job Openings; Outreach Meeting; Mass Activity Bags; Prayer Requests. Click on the image to view the weekly email.