Blood Drive – July 14, 2024
Click on the image and enter StMartinsBW in the search to make an appointment.
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Diane contributed 654 entries already.
Click on the image and enter StMartinsBW in the search to make an appointment.
When: Sunday, July 28th Where: Laura’s house When: After 10 am Mass Bring a potluck dish, your pool towel, and a bathing suit! Please email Alison if you can make it, and what your potluck contribution will be. She will email a list out to everyone as the date gets nearer.
Summer Coffee Hour; Audit Committee; Parish Pride Family Picnic; Outreach; Family Pride Night in Somerville; Sight and Sound Theatre Trip Opportunity; Prayer Request List. Click on the image to view the weekly email.
Fr. Rob on Vacation; Senior Moments Group; Summer Coffee Hour; Audit Committee; Youth Closet Cleanup; Parish Pride Family Picnic; Outreach; Family Pride Night in Somerville; Sight and Sound Theatre Trip Opportunity; Prayer Request List. Click on the image to view the weekly email.
The next SENIOR MOMENTS MEETING will be held as follows: DATE: Tuesday, June 18 Place: Juanita’s Home Time: 12:00 PM Lunch: Will be provided by Rocco’s Pizzeria, Bedminster (Check Rocco’s Menu on line and email your choice to Juanita before June 17. Juanita will place the total order for delivery). At this meeting, we will discuss the possibility […]
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Phone: 908-526-1350
Church office email:
Fr. Rob’s email: