Outreach – April 2022

St. Martin’s Outreach Committee had determined earlier this year to do a shoe collection to aid Soles4Souls. However, due to the Bishop’s request that we participate in this Global Ministry, Outreach has decided to collect new and used shoes from now until June 19th for this Ministry.
Shoes, of all sizes, male and female, are one of the requested items by the Global Ministry. They can be dress or casual, flip-flops, tennis shoes, etc. In addition, they are collecting new socks. If shoes have laces, please tie the pair together with the laces. If there are buckles, please buckle the two shoes together. All other pairs can be placed in bags (1, 2, or 3 pairs per bag). There is a bin at the back of the narthex.
If you have many pairs, please contact Kathy Shanklin or Marlene Ficzko and they will make arrangements to pick up your shoes.